5 March 2016

Stereotypes? Prejudice?

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Assalamualaikum Guys! 

How are you awesome peeps doing? I bet you’re doing great :D

Sooooo... today we would like to share about something that is highly relevant in today’s world with multicultural and multi-ethnic relations which are stereotypes and prejudice. What are those?

Well for starters, stereotype is related to a generalized perceptions towards other people. 

For example, I bet its common for us to say stuff like “all Chinese looks the same”, “all Malays are lazy”, oopss. hihihii (but that's not true okay :P)

Well yeah, that’s what a stereotype means. But, of course, just like a cool lecturer of ours said once upon a time, 

“all of us needs a certain way to perceive the world or otherwise we cannot perceive the world”.

However, generalizing people based on the group that they belong to is not right okay.
(My angry face)

Now, how about prejudice?

Hemm, it refers to the judgements that you made about certain people before even knowing them. It could be either good or bad. 

Personally, I think that everyone have had certain prejudice on certain people at one point of their lives (or maybe that’s just a stereotype that I have).

Well, for me, one thing that I’ve noticed is that I tend to have a bad impression or prejudice towards guys who smoke. Because to me, well, obviously, if you don’t care enough to not try to kill yourself and the people around you then why would I even bother looking at you? (Err, it’s a bit harsh I know, but it’s the truth).

However, when I get closer to those guys, I can actually see that most of the time, they smoke for certain reasons, not just for fun.

Of course, it is almost normal for people to judge other people or have certain prejudice towards them because of the way they behave, the clothes they wear or the people they’re close with, but that does not mean that it is a right thing to do.

We should always try to open up our minds and look at other people positively at all times!

Okay, that’s it for now. Hope you had a great time reading. Don’t forget to come back for more!


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